Spotlight On: Eat the Culture with Meiko Temple

February 1st marks the beginning of Black History Month, a celebration of Black culture that’s been on the calendar for over 50 years. It’s a special time of year to celebrate Black creators, support Black-owned businesses, and highlight the diversity and deliciousness of Black cuisine. For this Black History Month spotlight, we sat down with […]

What’s Trending in February

february spelled out with scrabble tiles

February might be the shortest (and coldest!) month of the year, but it’s stuffed full of opportunities for brands, influencers, or anyone looking to create content. So what’s trending in February? Here’s a list of holidays and topics to help you plan out your editorial calendar for the upcoming month. Notable Dates Black History Month: […]

From IG to the Dinner Table: How Influencers Start Important Conversations

Social media has changed since the start of the pandemic. As they faced new challenges brought on by their changing circumstances, people turned to social for community, inspiration, and guidance. More than ever, their favorite platforms became a place to connect around shared values, discuss important topics, and rally around an idea or a cause.  […]

Advertising’s New Frontier: Influencer Marketing

In an increasingly crowded marketplace, where consumers face an overwhelming amount of information every day, word of mouth is more powerful than ever. We know it holds more sway than a billboard, a magazine spread, or even a TV ad. In fact, word-of-mouth marketing generates more than twice the sales of paid advertising, with customers […]

The Benefits of the Early Adopter Effect

Being “the first” is not for everyone. It takes confidence, conviction and a certain amount of fearlessness. It can also be a truly rewarding experience, especially if it leads you to the kind of success that can come with early adoption of a burgeoning trend. Take TikTok, the current talk of the social media world. […]

4 Secrets to a Successful TikTok

Originally published July 2020, updated May 2022.   These past couple of years, we’ve seen a shift in the social media landscape. Users are craving community and turning to trusted influencers to find solutions to their everyday challenges, such as cooking on a budget or answering the ever-looming question “what’s for dinner?”. The popularity of […]

Change and Action: Reimagining Influencer Marketing in a Post-Pandemic World

Covid-19 has been a wakeup call for many of us in influencer marketing. I, for one, don’t think it will be the same going forward.  In many ways, the industry was losing its way in the months leading up to the pandemic. There were signs, from tabloid stories about influencers behaving badly to the number […]

Support Black creators, authors, brands, restaurants, and more

Support Black creators

We’ve learned a lot this past week. Already, we are realizing how much we’ve missed by failing to look beyond our world. We’ve been ignorant to so many talented Black creators, Black-owned restaurants and brands making amazing products, and the multitude of resources we should have accessed well before this to educate ourselves on how […]



It is not lost on us that we are in the business of amplifying voices, of helping others create and grow their platforms. That power is both a privilege and an obligation. In the past, we have not lived up to that obligation nor have we helped our industry — an industry sorely lacking in […]

5 Timely Partnerships that Got it Right

The pace of social media is faster than ever right now. In the midst of this chaotic moment, we’re learning everyday from the influencers in our CookIt Network who are continuing to do what they do best: put their ears to the ground and listen to what their audience needs from them.  Overwhelmingly, people are […]